Monday, July 21, 2014



This post, I want myself to keep a track of books (maybe in cases just a poem or an episode that needed to be mentioned for myself) I have read. Books are like people we meet in our life. We may like or hate, but good books doesn't fail to leave a trail on you. I cannot conclude book good or bad based on the content. There is a book you needed,maybe not, A readers liking for a book mostly is dependent of the genes he carried, emotions he underwent, proximity of vocabulary between him and writer's, atmosphere at which he read the book (mostly the atmosphere that you initiate reading the first few pages, it is then the duty of writer to keep him glued until he finishes, sometimes days after he finished).

I will therefore quote the books I have read based on my memory I have at this time of writing the blog (Starting somewhere in 2014). I mostly have a good memory when it comes to book as I hardly finish an uninteresting book. Just like any beginner I too slip into one of the character in the book or to wonder more different characters within a book as well, It's quiet natural as it is mostly the behavior of the writer (mostly self and continually influenced) is what make up each character, Over a period of reading you tend to become a judge and will want to move the story way you want it to just as we all do while watching a reasonably good movie. The most important thing is to understand how difficult it is to lay a foundation,like walking an offbeat road or wooing a girl. It is mostly tough in the beginning. Maybe my last example of the three is a difficult process at different stages too.

So I would  begin the post and the comments, with the hope of keeping them as crisp as possible, (so I don't mind reading it once in few yrs) on the books that I remember reading.

A stolen boat ride - William Wordsworth

This is one of the earliest poem I remember reading in my school days. A good one that keeps an adolescent's mind getting into it by visualizing the picture poet elaborates and the beautiful message this honey coated capsule has. A good poem for children is to make you enjoy at the age you read and appreciate the moral when you hardly remember the work but the moral well. This one does that perfectly.

Thirukural - Thiruvalluvar

Thirukural is world famous and there is not much space on the  cap to add a feather, In awe for this writer, assuming this is definitely written by a single author he must definitely have been an old person right when starting, and must have lived a life of differences, mostly observing, the kind of conviction writer had is Godly, an outcome of a rich heritage the Tamil ethnics had lived. The most inspiring fact is the decision writer had to have this couplets unbiased and keep it neutral for any reader and living up to it for 1330 (1& 3/4) lines. Comparison is unnecessary on unfair, but undoubtedly this particular writer can and should never be compared to anyone in history for years to come.

A Day's Wait - Ernest Hemingway

Image result for boy with fever
This one by Ernest Hemingway is a classic piece most of my generation would remember as it was one of those story/prose in my eighth (probably) class. This story proves how the limitation in characters is not a great deal to make it keep gripping. There may be different intent with which Hemingway had written it. My takeaway was how conversations have to be precise which will not lead to lots of misunderstandings, especially with kids,Unlike adults a kid does not evaluate much of what is being heard but will trust it, It kick started a habit in me to try and speak politically or sensibly correct and keep clarifying others’ conversations which later become typical of me that people talking to me try to use the correct set of words or rephrase immediately after uttering. It had also earned not so pleasant scenes when I end up correcting in an inappropriate situation.

The Dutch Boy and Dike -Mary Mapes Dodge

Image result for The Dutch Boy and DikeThis is a cute story that uses the day, night, rain, etc to the best use of story unlike in most others where those are just a garnishing factors. It made me watch the walls on my roads closely for few rainy weeks followed by reading. Most importantly this has created a strong belief that there is no need to do something great to be a hero or saviour, seize opportunities and do things for duty not pride and a contentment is bound to appear.There is so much when a small boy can do a lot is really there for adults to try.

Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May - Robert Herrick

This is one of the most amazing messages if perceived promptly. Something that every young must consume wholly, every old must help the youth with. Life is mostly a gamble, what you are willing to risk for getting what you may want, whatever you spend you can never earn time, gone is gone and that is what this poem says all about most beautifully. I can see traces to this with one of the lyricist in my own state who seldom would’ve been inspired by this, his one-liner for a filmy song goes “pozhudhirukum podhe pugazh thedu, ilamai adhu pona thirumbaadhu” what this regional poet has put straight is all that Herrick conveys with metaphors, the former had it accompanied with music and later makes meaning musical with his metaphor. His drawing simple similes is to carve it hard in the minds of young readers. He who understands this one philosophy at the right time and act with right spirit would have lived the happiest life of all. Period!


A poem that need not be elaborated for the messages, rather can be lauded for content, if only you thought writing a poem is too hard and requires true brains this one changes your acuity. It’s not always about the wits of writer, but sometime, most of the time, actually all the time, experiences, knowledge to write it in your language, honesty to put thoughts straight is what beauty is all about. If it is what beauty is that is what a poem is, if poem is not beauty but something else what else it is. It cannot be anything else, if only you know what beauty is or what poem is won’t you ask further.


Image result for SILAS MARNER
George Eliot must be a great writer for giving a complex story simplified just to give the reader a hope to be resilient and move on during complex situations and a simple yet beautiful life awaits to those who move on. And this story doesn’t make you take efforts to move on. Though I was not good at reading a full novel at the time I read it, I luckily had my English teacher was at helm and I didn’t had to swim the book to last page. She was indeed Eliot for me while seeing through my ears. I have this habit of finding a near match character to mine in either the book I read or the movie I see. I feel its quiet natural I don’t do it every time, and some cases I cannot see myself but want to be them and I wanted to be Silas in this story not because he is title but because he lives his life doing a job he knows without allowing new people into his life for any reconciliation. And for making me realize we do need new person in our life to give us hope to live on.